Founded in 1988, Beach Dental Center is located one block north of the famous Lincoln Road in the heart of Miami Beach. We specialize in providing gentle dentistry for children, adults, and seniors. Beach Dental Center understands the need for consistent care. We treat each patient like family. Our compassionate, professional team is dedicated to providing the highest level of dental care possible.
Our highly skilled, friendly team treat each patient with compassion and dignity. Beach Dental Center staff are committed to listening to each patient's concerns and treating common dental ailments. Our gentle dentistry services Include: *Crowns *Zoom Bleaching *Full Dentures *Partial Dentures *Extractions *Root Canals *Cosmetic Bonding *Laminate Veneers *Cleaning & Fillings *Implant Restorations Our periodontal services include: *Crown Lengthening *Periodontal Surgery *Root Planning and Scaling *Gingivectomy *Implant Placement