The Acupuncture Clinic of Ft. Walton Beach provides exceptional treatment using traditional Chinese medicine. We serve the entire Gulf Coast. In addition to our Ft. Walton Beach clinic, we have locations in Pensacola FL, Mobile AL, and Biloxi MS. Our staff of Traditional Chinese medicine physicians are licensed and NCCAOM board certified. Acupuncture can provide effective treatment for the following conditions. Digestive - Abdominal pain, Constipation, Chronic Diarrhea, Irritable, Bowl Syndrome Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Ulcers, Emotional - Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Nervousness, Neurosis, Eye-Ear-Nose-Throat - Poor vision, Sinus Infection, Tinnitus, Ear, Aches, Nervous Deafness, Gynecological - Impotence, PMS, Menstrual Cramps, Irregular, Menstrual Cycles, Sterility, Infertility, Musculoskeletal - soft tissue contusion, automobile injuries, whiplash, rotator cuff rupture, S-I joint tearing, joint twist, neck, dystonia, myasthenia gravis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Tennis Elbow, joint pain, Neurological - Headache, Migraines, Bell's Palsy,Post-op. Pain, Residual effects of stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Syringomyelia, Myasthenia Gravis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Respiratory - Asthma, Bronchitis, Common cold, Chronic Cough, Allergies, Sinusitis, Smoking Cessation, Tonsillitis. Neck & Back Pain - stiff neck, whiplash, cervical disc bulging or herniation, nerve pinched, TOS, scoliosis, lower back pain, lumber disc bulging or herniation, sciatica, spinal canal stenosis, piriforms syndrome, neuropathy. Other - Psoriasis and other Skin Conditions, Viral Conditions: Hepatitis, Shingles, Influenza, Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Elevated Cholesterol, Stop Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Stop Smoking, Weight Control.

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