Little King Productions is a dynamic rock band based in Rehoboth Beach, DE, known for their original and eclectic sound. With a musical history spanning over 27 years, Little King has released several albums, including the highly successful "Amber Waves GoodBye" and "Silver Tongue." Their energetic live performances have garnered praise and support from fans, leading to sold-out shows and charting on college radio. Little King's music is a fusion of aggro prog punk, showcasing their unique style and talent.
With a dedicated fan base and over 120k streams on Spotify, Little King continues to captivate audiences with their powerful and raucous music. Their recent shows in Tucson and El Paso were met with great enthusiasm, solidifying their triumphant return to the stage. As they celebrate their 25th anniversary, Little King remains a force to be reckoned with in the music industry, leaving a lasting impact with their memorable performances and musical memoir.
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