We believe the key to success is good people. We have the best in the business. When customers walk in we view them as guests walking into our home. You can feel the warmth in the interaction between our employees and our customers. Personal service is one element of our success & maintaining the best quality is the another. As we inspect all our offerings -- from each bushel of produce to every ice cooler of fish from local farmers and wholesale markets -- our ongoing mission is to insure freshness and superior quality for all our customers. And lastly, we recognize the demands and challenges families have in the way of shopping... We offer tremendous selection by stocking the shelves in our 30,000-square-foot store with a variety of brands and sizes for most items. We dedicate corridors to a variety of ethnic and religious persuasions. Sugar-free, gluten-free, soy-free, no-high fructose syrup -- healthy choices are represented throughout our aisles. Ultimately, just how SUPER our SUPERmarket is will be defined by the role we play in helping families meet these challenges. And we're not keeping it a secret: we want to be SUPER!