Jennifer Steele NE.CLT. began her practice after completing her education at Seattle Pacific University and Bauman College in Boulder Colorado. Her love for clean eating and passion for health drove her to begin studying well before school. She has been inspired through her own trials and tribulations to help those in need with nutrition education and guidance. Jennifer likes to work diligently and be as effective as possible. Jennifer has created a loving business that caters to everyone ranging from people struggling to lose weight to professional athletes. She takes into account the needs of each client, focusing on biochemical individuality. Prajna Nutrition strives for Health and long-term success.
Do you think you might have Food Sensitivities or that something you are eating is causing an issue in your body? You are probably right! Using a very specific blood test we can find out which of the 170 foods and chemicals tested are causing inflammation. I have run this test on over 1000's clients and all of them have had amazing results, myself included. I specialize in weight loss/gain, hormone balancing, digestion problems, athletes, autoimmune disorders and chronic pain.