Patterns of Hope is an organization that helps children that struggle with NDD (Neuro-Developmental Delay). We always work developmentally to address any issues the child is having. Neuro Developmental Delay usually shows up as struggles in education, balance and coordination in sports, behaviors, and attention issues. Patterns of hope starts by looking at the functioning of central nervous system (CNS). Sometimes the CNS is so busy keeping the child balanced or helping the vestibular system that it has a tough time focusing on another task that the child needs to learn. We have INPP exercises that addresses the vestibular system and frees up the CNS for further learning. We then look at the primitive reflexes and determine if they have inhibited properly. At the end of the program, we look at the postural reflexes to see if they have fully emerged. If the primitive/postural reflexes need any help we offer an INPP exercise to help them complete the development appropriate function.