Open Sky Wilderness is a renowned wilderness therapy program located in Durango, CO. They specialize in assisting early adolescents, adolescents, and young adults who are facing challenging life circumstances. With a unique approach that goes beyond traditional wilderness therapy, Open Sky focuses on treating the entire family and providing a transformative experience that promotes total health and well-being. Their belief in the capacity of every individual to thrive sets them apart, making Open Sky a life-changing opportunity for those seeking to discover and create a healthy life that aligns with their true nature.
Nestled in the picturesque mountains of Southwest Colorado and the stunning canyon country of Southeast Utah, Open Sky offers an immersive experience under the open sky, where nature's teachings can be heard and embraced. Their comprehensive website provides more information about their approach and the various programs they offer for early adolescents, adolescents, young adults, and families. Open Sky is dedicated to helping individuals overcome adversity, foster healthy living, strengthen family connections, and embark on a transformative rite of passage towards a brighter future.
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