In the Rocky Mountain summer of 1982, under the warm blue skies of Summit County Colorado, Craig Nelson (former Vice President of Keystone Ski Resort) and Terry Novak (veteran of a banking and real-estate marketing career) were putting structure together to create Novak & Nelson Real Estate. Thirty-one years later, their vision is a strong, living force in the Summit County community. Buyer or Seller, Novak & Nelson is here to help you! You have your dreams and needs for your life and property. Bring them to us and we will use all our agency resources to define your goals and bring them to reality. Novak & Nelson resources include experience in: * Residential properties * Project development * Commercial properties * Exclusively marketing 25 residential projects * Average agent experience is over 15 years
Novak and Nelson has been in Summit County for over 30 years specializing in Buying and Selling Real Estate, New Developments and working with the locals to build a strong community.