Stoney Eskew has been helping clients in the health and fitness industry for 20 years. A Colorado native that loves animals evolved her business over the years and after losing her furbaby, Tank, started Health Fitness Impact, a cause-focused company passionate about transforming lives and giving back to help furbabies. Stoney, previous owner of True Metabolism Testing, LLC, is the creator of the 4 Week Metabolism Makeover -with Real Food, the online program designed to help free people from dieting.
-Resting & Exercise/VO2 Testing -Customized nutrition and fitness plans -Restore gut health and heal food sensitivities -Manage and reverse metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes -Detox and regain energy and health -Breakthrough self sabotage and limiting beliefs -Speed up your metabolism, be free from diets, get fit and crush goals! -Life coaching