Gypsum Fire Protection District, established in 1911, is a dedicated and experienced fire department serving the town of Gypsum, CO, and its surrounding areas. Covering an extensive area of 455 square miles, their team of 11 full-time personnel, 5 part-time personnel, and 11 volunteer firefighters respond to a wide range of emergencies, including medical calls, motor vehicle accidents, structure fires, hazardous materials incidents, and more.
With a mission to prevent harm by educating and protecting the community, Gypsum Fire Protection District has been proudly serving since 1903. Their vision is to be an integral part of the community, fulfilling its needs through their commitment to neighbors helping neighbors. Whether it's swift-water rescues, backcountry emergencies, or general citizen requests for assistance, Gypsum Fire Protection District is dedicated to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community they serve.
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