Legislative bodies, national, General government administration, County government, Building inspection service
Weld County Building Inspections
Established in 1938, the Weld County Department of Public Health works to prevent disease, disability and death and develop health programs. It appoints an advisory board of health that is comprised of more than five members and provides advice related to public health to citizens. The Weld County Department of Public Health is also responsible for formulating public health policies and programs. It employs a full- and part-time professional, technical, and secretarial and clerical staff, including public health nurses, environmental specialists, medical technologists, social workers, health educators, dieticians and management personnel. The department maintains administrative, environmental health services, and public health education and nursing divisions. The Weld County Department of Public Health additionally operates a health preparedness and emergency response division that responds to bioterrorism, pandemic influenza, disease outbreaks and other public health threats and emergency situations. It is located in Greeley, Colo.