Tunas Mekar Inc is a renowned Balinese gamelan ensemble based in Denver, CO, with a rich history spanning over 54 years. Comprising talented artists-in-residence, guest artists, and current members, the ensemble is dedicated to preserving and promoting the ancient art of Balinese gamelan and wayang kulit shadow plays. With a mission to captivate audiences through their exceptional performances, Tunas Mekar Inc showcases the beauty and intricacy of Balinese music and culture.
Known for their excellent musicianship and mesmerizing dance routines, Tunas Mekar Inc has garnered praise from both local and international audiences. Their upcoming events, including the Bali Tour in June 2019, offer a unique opportunity to experience the enchanting melodies and vibrant rhythms of Balinese gamelan. As a 501(c)(3) organization, Tunas Mekar Inc greatly appreciates the support of donors, as all contributions are tax-deductible and help sustain their artistic endeavors.
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