4Winds Farm was founded in September 2017 as a gathering place for all people to reconnect to the land and to themselves.
4Winds Farm is a Colorado holistic wellness and recovery center offering 30-, 60- and 90-day women's recovery and mental health programs on our 125-acre working farm campus. We also host one- to four-week women's wellness and recovery immersion retreats. Our campus allows us the space to also offer corporate retreats and trainings focused on various wellness practices. Located on the tranquil land between Sunlight Mountain and Glenwood Hot Springs, 4Winds Farm is a gathering place for all people to reconnect to the land and to themselves, reset their mental state, and heal from their unresolved trauma, depression, addiction, or the day-to-day stress and anxiety that affect us all. We believe that everyone is in some stage of recovery, and through a variety of outdoor recreational therapy offerings, 4Winds Farm enables all visitors to reclaim a sense of wholeness and purpose in their lives. We also invite our surrounding Glenwood Springs community to regular classes and workshops on the holistic wellness practices featured in our programs and retreats. Modalities include qigong/cultivation arts, yoga, somatic experiencing trauma therapy, medicine wheel equine therapy, and the breath/archery program offered by IntrinicWay.com.