We often feel like are not enough or too much for the world. No matter what we do, the anxiety and/or depression still lingers. We try our best to take care of ourselves, we may even have the right look, job, passion project, friends, etc but that empty feeling doesn't go away. It may not feel like it right now, but you deserve to feel ease. You deserve to feel home in your skin and bones. Together, we can find healing in the places that seem broken or cracked - for those are the places where the light comes in. Regardless of your history, inner ease, joy and health are your birthrights. I work with women who want to feel grounded within themselves. In our sessions, I integrate mindfulness practices and heartfelt conversations to help you move through your fears and access the real you. If you are tired of the overwhelm, the status quo, the survival, let's connect. We can thrive. My work is also influenced by integrative, body based healing practices of mindfulness, yoga, meditation and reiki. I also believe that including ritual in the therapeutic process can supportive. I take care in honoring the social environment that we live in, and my work is rooted in fourth wave intersectional feminism and social justice.