I started my practice in 2010, and have seen seen thousand of clients who have had diverse needs. I have always worked in the area that treat mind-body associations and over the past few years I have had the honor of working in the area of fertility. At the core of my practice is the clients' heart - all roads lead to happiness.
Get results in overcoming fears and unwanted beliefs, while gaining confidence and success. With brain strategies, Wendy helps clients replace negative neuropathways with positive ones - resulting in behavior change. Congruency is the key to a happier and more fruitful life. Using therapeutic hypnotherapy, NLP, brain and behavior strategies, Wendy works with her clients in altering perceptions and activating change in the following areas: anxiety/stress, grief/loss, fears/phobias, habits/addictions, insomnia/apnea, fertility/impotence, and confidence/self-esteem. Wendy uses motivational coaching techniques assisting clients in discovering their unique paths towards effective and long-lasting change. Wendy's positive approach is transformative in itself; she believes that each person can regain their equilibrium and find happiness and fulfillment when working together to identify the underlying intention and create the connectivity between conscious and sub-conscious mind.