The largest collection of reproductions of Ancient Greek artifacts on the Internet. Our collection includes Busts, Masks, Cycladic Idols, Relief Slabs ( metopes ), Columns, Statues, Frescoes, and Vases. All items are accurate reproductions of Ancient Greek Art found in museums in Greece and around the world. Some of the most known items in our collection are: Poseidon of Artemission, Sphinx of Delphi, Torsoman, Torsowoman, Aesculapius of Athens, Apollo of Belvedere, Venus of Melos, Artemis, Hermes of Olympia, Alexander the Great, Spata Sphinx, Boxer of Olympia, Horse of Acropolis, Marathon Boy, Charioteer of Delphi, Athena of Piraeus, Goddess Health, Kouros of Piraeus, Horsehead, Cretan Bull, Olympia Zeus, Alexander of Acropolis, Disk of Alexander, Aristoteles, Homer, Platon, Hippocrates, Antinoos of Delphi, Socrates, Regio Fighter, Candlestic Sphinx, Diadem Wearer, Roman Warrior, Ploutarhos, Kore, Phestos Disk, Leonidas, Odysseus, Pericles, Karyatis, Mycaen Bull, Emerging Venus, Sapfo, Pallada Athena, Victory of Samothrace, Omphalos of Delphi, Bull from Mycenaes. Add the spirit of the Ancient Greek civilization to your office, or home with these pieces of history!