Deciding on the best way to get a loan can be an overwhelming task. With over 10 years in the lending industry I can assist you in deciding on which loan is best for your situation, and hold your hand through the entire mortgage process. I have worked with everything from startups to fortune 500 companies. I also have a proven track record on purchase transactions. Everyone has varying circumstances and my experiences enable me to help you accomplish your goals in the most efficient way possible.
With over 13 years of experience in the industry, I can assist you in choosing a loan that best fits your situation. From working with startups to fortune 500 companies, I can guide you through the entire mortgage process. I will review all aspects of the home buying process with you, and we can begin once we establish your needs and wants in a home. Let's delve into the market of home owning together. My job is not complete until we find you exactly what you have been looking for!