Vessel Gallery was established In Berkeley, CA in 2004, where it resided for 5.5 years before relocating to Oakland, CA on 25th Street where it resided for 9 years exhibiting local and CA regional artists. January 1. 2020 Vessel Gallery relocated to 480 23rd Street in the area known as the Oakland Art Murmur District, the area has been referred to Uptown Arts District, and Arts and Garage District. Through the years Vessel continues to showcase local Bay Area and CA regional artists, and contribute as a cultural arts contributor to Oakland through curating and hosting exhibitions. Vessel places artworks into museums, institutions, private and corporate collections. Vessel offers the services as art advisors for private and corporate collections. Our clients range from the interested novice to seasoned collectors. Vessel Gallery is deeply engaged in developing a greater understanding through the visual arts.
Vessel Gallery is an established Oakland cultural arts exhibition gallery. Voted