Vanessa began teaching by music, and found out that what she was doing was helping people find their voice! Using a unique variety of mediums based on her talents, Vanessa has been able to inspire artists, bestselling authors, full-time models, musicians opening for top acts like Jay-Z and actors from small productions to Nickelodeon to build a better brand, make a better life for themselves, and grow intellectually, artistically and spiritually. She has done anything and everything, from making a shy young writer have the freedom to sing her heart out, to getting musicians onto the billboard charts. She is most gifted at making people laugh at their weak spots and build into the person they were meant to be. Once she combined an intuitive go-get it sort of attitude into her coaching, her clients opened up into some significant success!
Let's Find Your Voice. Together. Using an intuitive blended approach, I help you achieve your goals by looking at your life from all angles. We will tackle stage fright, break creative blocks, develop your inner power and find your inner sanctum, so that no matter what happens in life, your creative goals are still being fulfilled. Using an intuitive approach, I have become an expert at figuring out what needs to heal so that you can grow. I observe body motion, vocal chemistry, artwork and writing to see which areas are missing. Sometimes we will dance, sometimes we will sing, sometimes we will read aloud. We will always be working towards your progression. Over time, we will develop your spirit to become indomitable; able to face all of life's challenges and continue to move forward with clarity, resilience, and success. Together. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a client break free of a block and build their dreams step-by step. I work with everything from finding your voice in marketing, to achieving success in your passion project. I work using art, writing, dance, music, brainstorming concept sessions to visualize, conceptualize and achieve success. Let's Find Your Voice. Together.