Dr. David Schroeder, BA DC is a 2nd generation chiropractor and 1 of 7 chiropractors in the immediate family. He as been exposed to chiropractic for over 43 years. Dr.Dave is a Truckee Chiropractor offering chiropractic services to the Truckee area. Patients have the option of being treated at their location such as home, work or hotel or may come to the home office. We are located in the heart of Truckee, CA the leading health chiropractor professional Dr. David Schroeder is dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives -- combining skill and family expertise that spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum.
Chiropractic care; pain relief; proprietary myofascial soft tissue release, sports injuries, low back pain, headaches, neck pain, sciatica, auto accident injuries, work related injuries and more.