Too Far, LLC is a Foster City-based company that offers a captivating and heart-breaking story titled "Too Far." This parable-like tale explores the boundless and desperate imagination of a child, providing an escape from a cruel reality. As the child and his mesmerizing friend venture into a mysterious woodland, their fantasies come to life, creating a refuge from the instability of their homes. However, they are eventually faced with a choice between the real world's crushing prospects and the lethal demands of their ideal one.
Rich Shapero, the author of "Too Far," challenged himself to conjure his inner six-year-old, resulting in a vividly observed and exhilarating story that captures the triumphs and follies of a child's imagination. Through the company's website, readers can download the book and explore the music and art associated with the story, including captivating oil paintings by Eugene Von Bruenchenhein.
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