The Tutoring Center in Fontana is a family operated center. Our interest in opening the center dates back to our close involvement with the teachers at our daughters' schools. What began as volunteering sparked our interest in helping not only our children but others in the larger community. We chose 1-1 tutoring approach because we believe in paying individual attention. We are proud to bring this form of tutoring at very affordable prices to the families in Fontana. We look forward to meeting your family's educational needs.
Writing, Reading, One-To-One Instruction, MATH, Geometry, FREE Diagnostic Assessment, English, Algebra I & II. The Tutoring Center offers Rotational Approach to Learning combined with our system of One-to-One Instruction in a clutter free environment. Your child will develop stronger academic skills in Reading, Math and Writing. Your child will develop better concentration, focus and attention span. Your child will gain more confidence and motivation. Your child will develop stronger test taking and study skills. No one can deliver the results that we can in the after-school learning industry. Call or visit our center to schedule a FREE diagnostic assessment for your child. The phone number is (909) 822-6648. The e-mail address is Fontana@tutoringcenter.com.