Note from the Founder of The Man Clinic: I noticed that our medical professional system is geared towards supplying the public with physicians trained to treat life threatening diseases, but few physicians are focused on treating less malignant disease processes that could have a profound effect on people's quality of life. It is my passion to be able to provide services to the aging man that enhance his every day life. The mission at The Man Clinic is to bring a man's quality of life to it's highest potential. -Dr. Eric Fong
Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Growth Hormone Releasing Peptides. The Man Clinic will help bring your health to a more youthful state. Build muscle, lose the wrinkles, increase energy, increase sex drive, improve mental clarity and memory, sleep better, live better! All done under physician supervision with an in-house lab to monitor your blood work to ensure your safety.