I started this barber shop to give men a chance to relax and unwind . If you think about it women control our lives. You know what I'm talking about... You used to have a garage full of auto parts. Now its it's full of plastic totes full of next years Christmas decorations and last years children's toyd. You're toilet seat has a fuzzy cover now and there is sea shell shaped soap you cant use to wash with because its decorative. This is a place where a man can be a man. Come in read a playboy , grab a cold one,Bitch about your job/wife and get some terrible advice (not responsible for bad advise). A Place that a man can bring his son and teach him how to shake a mans hand and look him in the eye. This is the last remaining vestige of the masculine American barbershop.
Our business brings back the traditional mens barbershop. It's a place where a man can be a man, read a playboy relax in comfort. You can talk smack unwind and relax in an environment where you wont be judged