In 2008, we opened our Access Center, an outpatient surgery center that allows us to place and regularly monitor the access points of our patients to receive dialysis. We have two highly trained interventional nephrologists on staff and an outstanding surgical team to ensure the best patient experience. The Capital Nephrology Access Center (CNAC) is accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC). The accreditation signifies that we have met the rigorous standards of a nationally recognized third party. In addition, it shows our commitment to providing the highest levels of quality health care to our patients and the same high level of conduct in our business practices.
Our goal at the Capital Nephrology Access Center is to provide quality service in a safe, timely and efficient environment. Our physicians are experienced nephrologists (kidney specialists) that understand the importance of maintaining a properly functioning hemodialysis access as our patient's lifeline. Our staff is cordial, friendly and professional. Services Provided: Tunneled Dialysis Catheter Placement Dialysis Catheter Removal Fistulogram Fistulogram and Angioplasty Declotting Procedure Stent Placement Duplex Ultrasound Vein Mapping Angiogram Treatment of immature fistula