Our team is embedded in photovoltaics (PV) and renewables experience, with specific expertise in field marketing and promotions. We have repeatedly witnessed firms in the industry struggling to communicate with their end-use customers. Having worked 10+ years in the renewable energy space, we retain a deep understanding of what drives customer adoption and GROWTH. We will apply our knowledge and partnerships to energize YOUR business!
Solar Marketing Group (SMG) is a niche communications team dedicated to serving the solar and clean tech industries. For over a decade we have combined our passion and creativity to deliver successful marketing campaigns that drive sales. We create powerful brands and generate quality leads though customized marketing solutions tailored to our clients' needs. Our partners range from Tier 1 solar module manufacturers to downstream project integrators, balance of system providers, technology leaders, and nonprofits. Specific areas of expertise include branding, messaging, creative design, direct & online marketing, public relations, social media, events management, web strategy and development.