More than just massage, Shiatsu Alchemy is a form of energetic touch communication that helps stimulate and support your natural healing ability. The work consists of gentle adjustments of bones and ligaments to balance your skeletal structure (with an emphasis on the bones of the skull, spine, pelvis, and feet); finger pressure, kneading, and stretching to release tension in your muscles and tendons; and light pressure techniques that normalize the environment surrounding your central nervous system, optimizing brain and spinal cord function and clearing blockages in your body's energetic flow. A Shiatsu Alchemy session leaves you in a wonderful relaxed yet energized state of equilibrium. Brian specializes in treating Migraines and Headaches, Chronic Pain, Stress and Tension, TMJ Disorders, Limited Range of Motion, Depression and Anxiety, Fatigue, and Energetic Imbalance. Dedicated to helping his clients improve their quality of life, he will work with you to assess your specific needs and create a strategy that will most effectively aid the transformational healing power of your own body.