In 2009 my girlfriend moved into her first studio apartment and wanted a loft bed from IKEA. I wanted something sturdier. Referring to the lofts I used to see growing up in Manhattan's apartments, I recreated my ideal version of a basic loft that was unshakable under the most physically demanding circumstances. A year later, due to a fire in my apartment building, I moved in with her for awhile. The loft held both of us and with the extra space below we could fit both of our desks comfortably. She sewed curtains which added some privacy, and we began to think of it as almost a separate room. In a small San Francisco studio apartment with two adults and two medium-sized dogs, this was a major advantage. Friends saw it, loved it, requested I build them one. After a few of these, I began to offer my services to the public. If you can't build horizontally, build vertically. If you can't increase the quantity of your space, consider improving the quality of it.
Want to double the capacity of your livng space? Make it child or pet friendly? Fit another roomate(s)? Sublet? Or just make it more user friendly in general? I build sturdy beds and loft beds out of real wood -- single, double, full, queen, and king size frames. These are sturdy, safe, and custom-built to fit precisely in your space. All lofts include roll-bars and ladders. I can add accessories to your loft such as a desk, shelves, a closet rod, curtains, dog-ramps, stairs, etc.; if you can imagine it, we can discuss the possibility of creating it.