Since 1980 Seabreeze Limited has been providing a unique assortment of products to boaters worldwide. Recognized as the best-stocked nautical bookstore on the West Coast, Seabreeze also offers the complete catalog of NOAA and NGA navigation charts and publications, charts from the Canadian Hydrographic Service and the British Admiralty and now French charts for French Polynesia and the Pacific Islands. We carry navigation tools and charting software, study guides for US Coast Guard licenses, and cruising guides covering most of the world. For the non-cruising fleet we have how-to guides, what-is-it references, and adventure stories (true and fictional). Our crew includes licensed captains, live-aboard boaters, and experienced cruisers. The atmosphere at Seabreeze is casual but the store's intent is serious: We want to make sure each boater gets the right stuff. Ultimately it's about keeping our friends safe - wherever their boats float - and helping them enjoy our favorite activity.
Seabreeze Books and Charts carries a full range of nautical books, navigation charts, tools and software, USCG Merchant Marine license study guides, and information for the professional cruising sailor and crew to informational books and manuals for cruising yacht voyages - deliveries and families. Our professional licensed captain can advise you on the tools, charts, and guides you need for any journey. We also supply charts and navigational aids to the Navy and Coast Guard. Seabreeze Books & Charts carries a line of children's books, games, puzzles, nautical and yacht themed gift items and jewelry. Around the world navigation and cruising guides are also available. If we don't have it in stock, we can get it for you.