Satdha is a renowned plant-based Thai kitchen located in Santa Monica, California. Since its establishment in 2013, Satdha has been at the forefront of innovative and soulful plant-based Thai cuisine, offering a unique take on classic Thai dishes and introducing new tantalizing flavors. Led by Chef Gunn Pankum, Satdha prides itself on using fresh ingredients and traditional techniques to create comforting and nurturing food that is truly cooked with love.
Celebrating its 10th anniversary, Satdha has become a staple in the Los Angeles dining scene, known for its commitment to authenticity and contemporary twists. Chef Gunn Pankum's exemplary skills and passion for Thai vegan dishes have played an integral role in shaping Satdha's reputation. With a special 10-course dinner event on the horizon, Satdha continues to push the boundaries of what vegan Thai cuisine can be, offering an exclusive tasting menu that showcases the best of their culinary excellence.
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