I have been practicing for over 25 years. In 2004 I started my private practice, Sage Therapy. I moved to my current office in the fall of 2008. From the beginning I have seen both private pay clients and have been a vendor for Golden Gate Regional Center providing early intervention services. Prior to that time I worked for many years as a therapist and manager in the Department of Rehabilitation at Stanford Hospital. I have also served as an adjunct faculty lecturer in the Communication Disorders Departments at SJSU and SFSU.
~Judy McCrary Koeppen, Speech Therapist specializing in: speech disorders, phonology, weak oral motor skills, apraxia, language delays, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays and neurological impairments ~ Chelle Strade-Noze, Occupational Therapist specializing in: sensory processing and regulation, increasing functional fine and gross motor skills,low vision, autism spectrum disorder, developmental delays, neurological impairments ~ Feeding Clinic ~Comprehensive evaluation and treatment by both OT and Speech to improve: eating in problem eaters who eat a limited number of foods, sensory based feeding disorders, oral motor skills for chewing and swallowing and self feeding skills ~Izzy the Facility Therapy Dog~ Izzy is a specially trained golden retriever who