Rolling Greens Nursery is a high-end home and garden store located just off of Jefferson Boulevard in Culver City. It boasts four levels of exotic plants, bubbling fountains and eccentric pots. The first level also contains a natural gravel floor and a custom orcid counter where you can design your own potted masterpiece. The staff is ready to help you in your next landscape or pond design. Delivery and installation is always an option as well.
Turn at the "Rolling Greens" sign on Jefferson. Drive up the hill and you'll find ample parking on both sides of the street. There is also a cozy parking lot directly in front of the first level (at the top). Be sure to grab a map from the counter on the first level for a detailed view of what each section has in store for you. Whether you're an interior designer or just looking for a "one-of-a-kind-find," you'll be sure to see a wide range of gorgeous garden flowers and accessories at the nursery.