Internal medicine practitioners, Psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Acupuncturist
Mancini Acupuncture
Center For Integrative Care provides health and acupuncture services to its patients. Based in San Diego, Calif., the center treats variety of health issues including acute and chronic pain, healthy weight loss, and the impact of all forms of stress and strain on the body. The center offers a wide range of services, such as acupuncture, acupressure, soft tissue/joint restoration (tuina), clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, food therapy and breathing/guided imaging therapy, to name a few. Additionally, it operates diagnostic tests services, including orthopedic/neurological testing, comprehensive blood chemistry panels, adrenal salivary index, gastrointestinal profile, female and male hormone panel, etc. The National Oriental Medicine Accreditation Agency (NOMAA) accredits the center.