Purenergies is all aspects of people's holistic needs includes physical, energy, psychological, should be taken into account. Purenergies concentrates on touch healing, pressure points, and energy healing such as; Crystal therapy, Radionics, as well as Pranic, Qigone (Or 'Chi'), Ruache, Reiki, and more. The physical part of the therapy are the following; Cranial massage involves light hand contact on the bones of the skull, which offers relief for symptoms of stress and tension. Pressure point therapy is treating the body at specific points located in the hands, feet, face, ears, neck, and head. With these combined therapies according to your needs, is seen as a whole.
Holistic health and wellness. Holistic health is a diverse field in which many techniques and therapies are used. The holistic concept upholds that all aspects of people's needs including psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. Purenergies concentrates on touch healing, pressure points, and energy healing such as; Crystal therapy, Radionics, as well as Pranic, Qigone (Or 'Chi'), Ruache, Reiki, and more.