Local, family owned pharmacy that opened in 2010. This pharmacy fills the void that was left when the previous pharmacy closed after 50 years of serving the community. We hope to continue that tradition of excellent service to the Point Loma area community.
Our Mission Statement is based on our belief that medical care should never be mass produced. Instead, it should be a personal one-on-one relationship with your medical provider! We believe that the Pharmacy should be a place of healthcare and not a means to sell cigarettes, liquor or other unhealthy items! We accept almost all insurance plans and offer free delivery in the Peninsula area. Besides traditional pharmacy lines, our front store carries a wide selection of everyday Papyrus greeting cards, unique & seasonal items, children's toys (such as Lego), and one of a kind baby gifts. You will also find many earth-friendly, non-toxic, organic products throughout! Our caring pharmacists are well trained to address your special needs with counseling, free medication reviews, pre-packing weekly trays or bubble packing your medications. As a free service to the community, we will dispose of your unused or expired drugs.