The birth of the PlyoCity Workout/Methodology dates back to the late 70's when Mike Rangel, then a high-school basketball and volleyball coach, began to put his entire teams through the very same plyometric workout movements he had learned from various international players while playing collegiate volleyball at Long Beach State.
* Over 90,000 athletes trained in the last 16 years. (Largest in the US). * Currently training approximately 5,000 athletes nationwide. * Training athletes ages 8 - 64. * Over 34 year background in jump training/plyometric training. * Currently training high schools and sports clubs nationwide in 21 states. * Mobile Training where instructors come to the athletes. * Guaranteed 4-6 inches increase in vertical jump per athlete. * Currently training multiple teams and both male and female athletes. * Currently cross-training athletes in the following sports: Badminton, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Cheerleading, Diving, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Ice Skating, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Rugby, Skiing, Snowboarding, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, Volleyball, Water Polo, and Wrestling. * Plyo trainer to the following U.S. Olympic Athletes: 3-Time Gold Medalist Karch Kiraly 2-Time Gold Medalists Misty May and Kerri Wa