Pink's Carpet Repair started as a branch of Pink's Carpet Cleaning out of Moreno Valley CA. Pink's Carpet Repair is now located in Riverside.
Pink's Carpet Repair, Cleaning and Installation specializes in carpet repair, carpet restretching, and carpet cleaning. We can take care of unsightly burns or frays. If you need a carpet to tile transition we can install those as well. Busted seams? We can fix those too. With all the carpet cleaning companies out there, not too many do carpet repair but we specialize in carpet repairs. Having been in the carpet cleaning and repair business for over 20 years, we can repair most types of carpet and we love berber repair. That's right, berber carpet is one carpet that is infamous for coming unlooped or unraveled and getting pulled by a vacuum, which leaves a long string of carpet and an ugly hole in your berber carpet. Let us fix it for you. Give us a call and after we fix it, we can clean it for you.