Pine Hills Mutual Water Company (PHMWC) is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation that has been delivering safe drinking water to its shareholders and members in Julian, CA since 1921. Operating under the strict control of the State of California Department of Drinking Water, PHMWC draws raw water from 4 groundwater wells, treats it using a combination of green sand and silica sand filtration, and pumps it to storage tanks for distribution throughout their gravity-fed system.
Committed to water conservation, PHMWC encourages customers to report leaks and insulate their private water lines to prevent freezing. They also mandate the installation of water backflow preventers in all existing and newly built homes, ensuring the protection of the public water system. With unpaid volunteers serving on the Board of Directors and General Manager, PHMWC reinvests revenue into the maintenance and operation of their water system, adhering to federal and state water quality standards.
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