I coach people who are going through a transition: in relationships, personal or professional. Together we create a sustainable transformation by identifying blocks & shifting energy. My foray into the Coaching industry came as a natural step forward with my extensive experience in training and mentoring (in the WDP space). As a Coach, I use different modalities like NLP, PQ and Core Energy leadership so that my clients get the most out of each session and become empowered with tools that will help them throughout their lives. My endeavor in each session is to enable transformative coaching: by encouraging the client to question long-standing beliefs and reach creative solutions to reach the outcomes they want. I show them how they can change their mindset and figure out different resources within themselves to be the person they want to be - personally and professionally. Core Competencies: Finding acceptance and understanding in relationships, Goal setting, Self projection, Career transition, Job readiness skills, Resolving conflicts, Setting future goals, Finding solutions to specific work-related issues, Developing a strong sense of ownership and responsibility, Leadership skills, Increasing self-awareness, Leading a fulfilled and enriched life. Through my coaching practice, I have helped couples find acceptance, love and understanding of their own expectations as well as their partner's to create beautiful relationships for the future.