For a detailed history, please visit our website at www.pathwaysag.com.
Our goal is to build a financial plan to help you achieve clarity, simplicity, security and peace of mind. The first few meetings are exploratory. We learn about each other, determine whether we can help you, and decide if there is a good fit. Planning is hard work and, thus, requires a commitment of time and energy. During these early meetings, we want to uncover your values and goals. Then, after addressing any urgent issues, we begin to formulate a plan. It will not happen overnight. During the planning process, we face many options and choices. We are careful to help you weigh the variables and make well-informed decisions. We spend considerable time educating and clarifying issues. Once we are well established, we meet semi-annually or annually on an ongoing basis. This ongoing process prepares us for important discussions that come with each new chapter of life.