Pacific Coast Video is a renowned documentary production company based in Santa Barbara, California, specializing in verite, reality, nature, military, and underwater filmmaking. Led by Emmy-award winning producer Gordon Forbes III, the company has produced captivating shows for esteemed networks such as the Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, ABC, Learning Channel, History Channel, and the Military Channel. With a commitment to delivering high-quality and inspiring programming, Mr. Forbes and his team travel extensively worldwide, immersing themselves in diverse environments to uncover compelling stories.
Driven by a passion for storytelling, Pacific Coast Video's dedication to excellence is evident in their extensive portfolio, which includes projects ranging from embedded reporting with Recon Marines in the Sunni Triangle to thrilling dives with tiger sharks in Mexico. With their expertise and experience, Pacific Coast Video continues to captivate audiences with their compelling documentaries, showcasing the beauty and complexity of the world we live in.
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