The Orpheus Institute, based in Los Angeles, CA, is a renowned music production company founded by Alain Amouyal and Dominique Julliard in 1987. With a focus on creating powerful and evocative music, the institute has recorded and published 13 hours of music, including the groundbreaking Catharsis Technique and Catharsis Application Program. Their first orchestral CD was recorded at the iconic Abbey Road Studio in London, featuring the London Symphony Orchestra and the London Voices, marking a significant milestone in their musical journey.
Over the years, Alain Amouyal's musical works have been performed in various concerts across France, Belgium, and Germany, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. The institute's professional studio, Studio Plateforme, located in the South of France, is a state-of-the-art facility designed for research and creation, boasting impeccable acoustics and cutting-edge technology. With a passion for music and a commitment to excellence, The Orpheus Institute continues to push boundaries and inspire through their exceptional musical productions.
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