First, we'll check your spine or extremities using a biomechanical assessment for quality of movement and pain. Then if needed, your doctor will deliver a gentle and controlled force to the joint to establish proper motion. Next, we'll examine your musculature for painful spots, spasms, and areas that reproduce your pain patterns or complaints. If needed, your doctor will use hands-on manual techniques to treat your musculature in order to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and improve overall function. Third, Therapeutic Exercise. If needed, your doctor will prescribe and practice exercises for your specific condition in order to reduce pain, improve strength and regain lost range of motion.
Now Accepting New Patients! Call (916) 794-5372 to book your appointment. Dr. Oliveira combines different holistic elements into a functional plan that is unique to you and your unique condition. As a movement-based chiropractor, it is my mission to help you move and live pain free.