Pond, Lake and Fountain Design, Maintenance and Repair Services Oasis Construction, Inc. is a professional and licensed California General Engineering, Building and Landscape Contractor, License #800870. We specialize in the design and construction of ponds, streams, waterfalls and water gardens. We offer a full range of maintenance, repair, consultation and landscaping services. With over 20 years of experience in the design, construction and maintenance on a variety of aquatic systems, we have both the technical and practical experience to combine efficiency with reliability. David Sowash is the owner and founder of Oasis Construction, Inc. Following his professional pursuits in aquaculture, David began his career with appointments to government-based fish hatcheries, wetland and marine research facilities. While he gained practical experience working on various aquatic systems and wetland restoration projects, he expanded his understanding of the physical and biochemical interactions in natural and artificial environments. In 1997, with his passion and creativity for developing aquatic environments, he started Oasis Construction. He later incorporated the business in 2001.