Atalanta Financial started in 2005 by three Bay Area Women as a net branch of Pacific Mortgage Consultants. Atalanta Financial has performed as one of the top net branch of the PMC within Bay Area for the last 4 years. With over 20 years of combined Real Estate Industry experience, Atalanta Financial was created to offer clients a unique experience.
Looking for a local, experienced and professional mortgage expert? We are dedicated to providing you with top customer service and assistance in finding the personalized solution that best meets your home buying or refi nancing needs. We can present you with an extensive product line and a variety of flexible financing options. In addition, We off er: * High commitment to customer service * Prompt communication * Competitive rates and fees * Dedication to meeting your financial needs * Knowledge and professional expertise Call now and let me show you how we are more than just a loan officer: We are a personal Home Mortgage Consultant! CELL: 510.508.9548 nur@atalantafi nancial.com