started massage therapy in 2004 and been loving it since then! Becoming a cutting edge therapist for the last 9 1/2 years has been such a gift. its really a gift that just keeps giving back. passion and desire to find an alternative solution with people who want to increase the quality of their life and manage their pain. hopes to eradicate pain completely without the use of surgery or drugs that are usually much more harmful than good. That Is Priceless!
specialties: rehabilitative, orthopedic, medical, injury and injury preventive massage therapy. johnny cardoza has created a balanced method with advanced technique training and structural work, based on rolfing and Mobilization techniques that Johnny has integrated through (Myoskeletal Alignment Technique,by Eric Dalton) and advanced (integrated manual therapy from james waslaski) to be able to address disturbed patterns such as scoliosis, continuous pain and aches due to injuries and over use , plantar fasciitis, sciatic nerve compression/entrapment,frozen shoulder, runners knee, joint capsule compression, tennis elbow,tendinitis for multiple body locations,reduction and prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome, t.m.j (temporomandibular dysfunction) neck instabilities and pain, and pelvic dysfunctions, complete rejuvenation of lower lumbar com Come and meet with Johnny Cardoza to improve your body.. Guaranteed immediate results with just one treatment ...Its Just That Good!