The mission of NorCal Physiotherapy and Sports Sciences is to help the active people of Sacramento keep doing what they love. We eliminate pain through a combination of strength training and hands-on therapy. Whatever sport you compete in - football, soccer, rugby, running, Crossfit, or powerlifting - the common goal is to compete at our highest potential, free of pain and injury. Rest and pain medication should never be the only option for injury recovery. Being told to stop an exercise because it is perceived as dangerous is not acceptable. Getting back to full activity and competition is the only answer. As active people ourselves, we understand the frustration of being unheard, dismissed, or under-treated in the typical medical facility. Therefore we established this clinic with the athlete in mind. Because of this, we are a little different. This is not your typical physical therapy clinic because we do not treat the typical physical therapy patient. Our patients are dedicated to their sport, to their health, and to their recovery.