I really started to pursue exercise and nutrition while I was in college due to the social aspect of what college offers and realizing how unhealthy I had become. Since then I have read numerous articles and books on how to really create a healthy self as well as transferring that to others in need of help. I've worked with all sorts of individuals all of which had different levels of fitness and health. It doesn't matter where you are starting from, but just remember you can always change to be healthier and continue to grow to into the person you want to be. All it takes is a set plan of action and from there you continually build and grow.
Fat Loss Muscle Building General Performance Couples Training Small Group Training Strength Training Cardio & Conditioning Nutrition (specific dependent on goals) Macronutrient Based Nutrition Approach (flexible dieting aka iifym) Need help to Get in shape and stay in shape?! It all starts with a plan. If by just going to the gym just to go with no plan set in action, results tend to plateau or not happen at all. You need a set plan based on what your trying to achieve. I am dedicated to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals with programs specifically designed for you. Whether your looking to burn off a few inches of fat or build some lean muscle, each program is catered to the individual.