The Netstarhomes business model was developed over several years beginning in 2010 after the founder, Greg Watkins, realized how the internet had completely changed the brokerage industry for the advantage of consumers, yet the brokerage industry was slow to adapt to technological changes. Mr. Watkins decided to fill the void created in the marketplace, and created a new brokerage model designed to be completely transparent while lowering the cost of selling homes.
Our homeowner clients love the way we reduce the cost of selling homes by eliminating unnecessary, outdated, and redundant services from real estate transactions and pass the savings onto our clients. Our clients realize the consumer advantages brought about by technology, and choose Netstarhomes over traditional brokerage companies because we pass along the savings created by technology to our clients and we reduce the cost of selling homes without jeopardizing quality brokerage services. We simply charge for necessary, essential and completely transparent brokerage services, and pass the savings along to consumers.