Currently the highest scoring elementary school in the Long Beach Unified School District, Naples reflects the unique island neighborhood that evokes a small-town atmosphere. It has only half the student population of the Shore's nearest elementary, Lowell, and the PTA and school foundation finances enough teachers to keep class sizes among the district's lowest. Naples was a 2010 California Distinguished School, and residents refer to it as "the jewel of the island." Like Lowell, Naples parents commonly say that it is "the best private education a public school can provide." Because of Long Beach Unified's open enrollment, any student may apply to attend another district school if students in the immediate neighborhood do not take all the slots. Besides a school-wide Halloween parade, Naples offers a PTA-funded art programs, free after-school supervision by for one hour after class, and makes available fee-based classes, such as tennis, cooking, and language. A notably amicable PTA heavily supports student programs (more than 400 parents are enrolled to volunteer for a school of 320 students). So that parents can "dine for dollars" at a participating local restaurant, the principal offers a date night for parents and hangs out with students that night and watches a popular movie.